Monday, October 05, 2009

Caught the whisper

A  whisper  rises
From the land of the Old
I  drown  it  in  the  sound  of  TV,
The  traffic 
And  the  everyday  humdrum;

A  moment  of  solitude  caught the  whisper
Words from  my forgotten version

I  had become a  collection  of  memories,
A  stale reminder  of  my  past
The  infant,  the  child,  the  teen,  and  the  woman  I  am  today.
But before  I  was  born,  I  was limitless
 A design,  purpose,  pure  unsurpassed  love

I  hold  its  elapsed  reminders
Locked  in  a  box,  tucked  away  into  obscurity;
But  it  whispers,  it  hums  and  tries  to  remind  me
Of  who I  am  and  who  I  could  be.

Listen  to  the  whisper  within
It  will  tell  you  your  purpose  of  life
And  if  that  goes  beyond  your perceived self  and  your  life  time
You  will  know
You  have  caught  that  whisper

Mugilan and Venmathi

  They met when they were 10 and 11 Two magnets circling around - bumping in and drifting off Like and unlike poles - Pulsating ever on the ...